Aide contextuelle


Nail plates

This tab contains settings related to the nail plate mounting and design.

Do not consider transport forces in the analysis

  • If this setting is checked, the program does not take into account the minimum design forces prescribed by the relevant design standard (e.g. paragraph 9.2.1(8) in EN 1995-1-1) for handling and erection situations when designing the nail plates. This setting can be used, for example, when assessing older structures for the effects of new loads when the trusses are already embedded in the structure and will no longer be handled.

Ineffective nail plate edge

  • A setting that determines the width of the ineffective edge of the nail plate. The ineffective edge of the plate takes into account inaccuracies in the placement of the nail plates during the manufacture of the trusses. The truss manufacturing standard EN 14250 specifies that the ineffective edge should be equal to 10mm for trusses designed to EN 1995-1-1.

Factor of the uncovered joint line

  • This coefficient can be used to take into account the extension of the joint length, which is considered during the verification of the nail plate in tension, compression and shear, into the uncovered part of the plate. The extension is given as a multiple of the nail plate thickness. The default value is 12.

Press parameters

This part contains parameters of press. The program produces warnings in case that the nail plate size is exceeding entered parameters.

Maximum press power

  • Maximal pressing force of the press head

Pressing head width

  • Width of pressing area

Pressing head length

  • Length of pressing area

Part "Nail plates"

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